Sunday, August 11, 2013

Limitless Education

We homeschool three children who are all at three different levels. Any normal teacher would have difficulty doing so between the hours of 8am and 5pm. We have no learning restrictions at home. My son, for example, is a night owl. He just sparks and energizes at 7pm (my hypothesis is that because he was born at night, he comes to life at night). That's not to say that he's not a hyper little booger the rest of the day, he is, but he's more inclined to activate his brain and freely want to learn at night. What's wrong with that? NOTHING! Homeschoolers learn all day's part of the beauty of homeschooling. Don't get me wrong, when the girls (both are morning people) are working on their lessons, he has to at least try. I'm not a complete twit, I know that the rest of the world works on the 9am-5pm schedule and we practice that as much as we can so that he learns the way of the world, but on those difficult days, he can learn at night. 

I have had several families ask how can full time working parents or single parents homeschool if they work all day. Here's the homeschool at night! Even if your child had to go to school for daycare purposes, you still have the option of advancing and supplementing your child's education in the evening. 

Start simple. For example, if your child is allowed to play video games or watch TV, then make it so that the only games they play and the only TV they watch is  exceptionally educational. If you're in the car all the time and your child goes with you, have them practice flash cards in the backseat, read, or memorize the multiplication chart. Those are just examples but I'm sure there's other writers that have written books on "backseat learning" or "traveling homeschooling".

Everything that we do, we learn from even our bath time! How many shampoo bottles are there? If you take two away, how many are left? Sitting down at the dinner table is always a fun learning experience. While mama is serving dinner we'll ask the kids to share what they've learned and answer any questions that they have. We learn a lot but there also comes a time that we are just so exhausted. We take daily naps and play a lot too but for families who only have the evening hours to educate their children in, this is a difficult task but definitely doable and you would be your child's EXTREME SUPER HERO:) 

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